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Buy The Shoes!

Howdy Ya'll... My name is Christopher Lopez, and I am currently living in College Station, TX. I have two fur babies Shea(basset hound) & Stryker(fat black cat). When I'm not crafting you can find me cuddling with my fur babies, and partner of 10years. Usually watching a good T.V. Show. 

I love to craft and get a lot of inspiration from YouTube. Christopher Alan Designs is one of my favorite channels. When I first heard Christopher was starting a stamp line I was so excited. After receiving my first set of Brutus|Monroe Stamps, I contacted Christopher and said "Please Please, if and when you get a Design Team I would love to be on it!!!!!  I was so excited when Christopher contacted, me and asked if  I was still interested in joining the Brutus|Monroe Design Team.  Enough, about me you want to see what I created. 

The card I made is for a friend who loves shoes. She doesn't need to be told to buy the shoes but, she will love it! Also, I wanted to find a way to use the Life's Too Short - Brutus|Monroe Stamps Set.

Here is a list of products I used:

  • Life's Too Short! - Brutus|Monroe Stamps Set
  • Ranger Watercolor Paper
  • Recollections Pre-made card
  • Mustard Seed - Tim Holtz Distress Ink
  • Fossilized Amber - TIm Holtz Distress Ink
  • Twisted Citron- Tim Holtz Distress Ink
  • Abandoned Coral - Tim Holtz Distress Ink 
  • Mermaid Lagoon - Tim Holtz Distress Ink 
  • Cracked Pistachio - Tim Holtz Distress Ink 
  • Worn Lipstick - Tim Holtz Distress Ink
  • Picked Raspberry - Tim Holtz Distress Ink
  • Victorian Velvet - Tim Holtz Distress Ink 
  • Tuxedo Black - Momento Ink
  • Abandoned Croal - Tim Holtz Distress Spray Stain
  • Walnut Ink - Tsukinek Spray
  • Turquoise - Perfect Pearl Mist 
  • Sequin from my stash 
  • Stampin' Up! - Candy Dots 
  • Stampin' Up! - Stampin' Dimensionals  
  • Circle Punch 
  • ATG 
  • Acrylic Block
  • Paper Timer 
  • Water 
  • Scrap of purple cardstock 


This is the finished card. Continue reading to see how it all came together.


  1. Cut down a piece of watercolor paper to fit your card base. I don't normally measure I just make it small enough to have a nice border. 
  2. Grab your favorite Tim Holtz Distress Inks. I used several colors, but two or three will look just as awesome. Start stamping around the watercolor paper with each color, alternating the angle of the stamp.  
  3.  Once you have nice border splat some water  on the images. For best result let it air dry. You can also use a heat tool to dry it. To add some more color I splattered some of my favorite sprays all over the watercolor paper.  Don't spray it. Take the nozzle off and just flick it on your watercolor paper. Set it aside to dry.
  4. After the paper is dry, stamp over the colored stamped images with the Momento Ink. If it is not completely dry it will bleed, its okay it just ads to the effect. 
  5. While your watercolor paper is drying cut out a circle (or any shape) with your favorite Die -Cutting machine or punch.  I used purple, but you can use what ever color works with your card base. 
  6. Stamp the image you used to make the border in a lighter color than the cut out circle. It's gives a nice two tone effect. Stamp the sentiment over the image with crisp black ink. 
  7. Ink all the edges with your favorite color of ink. Adhere all the layers together. I like to use my ATG gun with watercolor paper incase there is any warping. Use pop-dots or foam tape to make the center circle(shape) pop.
  8. Now the fun part, sequin! Randomly add sequin, I added Stampin' Up Candy Dots in the middle of my sequin just because I liked how it pulled the color.   


This technique is so fun, and it's hard to mess it up. I hope I inspired you all to use this great set, or to try something new.  "Life's Too Short" buy the Stamps!!! I mean SHOES! Thanks for stopping by!!!! 


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