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Beautiful Butterfly Chase!

Beautiful Butterfly Chase!

Hello Fellow Crafters! Welcome, and Thanks for Stopping By! 

Today's post features the beautiful butterflies that are printed on the paper pad from the April's Inspiration Box, Bountiful Blooms. Not only can paper pads be used for a background on a card or project, but the images on the paper can be used also! To start, I found various butterflies of different sizes and rainbow colors, to fussy cut out.

paper pad with colorful printed butterflies

Next, I took one of the 4 card panels designs in the box and used an oval die to cut it out. Then I used the White Chroma Mist and the Pearl Chroma Mist to spray a splattered pattern on an A2 black card stock card panel. I then cut a sentiment from one of the conversation clippings from the Inspiration Box. 

A2 sized black cardstock with white ink spray and oval shaped flower card

Assembly time! I placed double sided adhesive foam on the back of the oval and on the back of the cut sentiment. Before adhering the butterfly images to the oval, I brushed a clear glitter pen over it and applied glossy accents. I let the butterflies dry and added liquid glue and double sided adhesive foam to the back of the butterflies. I adhered the oval flower card panel to the center of the black card panel, adhered the butterflies and then adhered the cut sentiment strip. Assembly completed. Give it a try, and find your own fluttering butterflies to chase!

Butterflies All Around!
Interested in more? Come visit me at @DewDrop.Works on Instagram and let's share!
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