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Let Your Light Shine!

Let Your Light Shine!

We're ready for Spring flowers with the new Wisteria stamp set! Using a Misti stamping tool, I stamped the image in purple ink on a light lavendar cardstock. I quickly colored it in with shades of purple alcohol ink markers.

I carefully put the cardstock back onto the Misti and restamped using Clear Embossing Ink. I heat embossed it with Gilded Embossing Powder.

Since the cardstock is light lavendar, there's no need to ink the entire background, I used Distress Oxide inks, starting with the darkest Villainous Potion in the lower right corner and blending in Wilted Violet closer to the center and on the other edges.

There's six sentiments included in this set, I chose "Let Your Light Shine", it seemed to fit with the Gilded Embossing Powder. I splattered some of the ink over the panel and added a few pearls. 

The Wisteria stamp can be used in so many different ways, use the sentiments to set the mood. Be sure to check out the entire Spring release!

Thanks for visiting! Go to Instagram @brutusmonroe and @susanbcards for more inspiration.



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