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Masculine Embossed Christmas Card!

Masculine Embossed Christmas Card!

Happy New Year!

For my first post for 2022, I wanted to share one last Christmas card I made, before I move on to other themes. This was a fairly simple card to produce and a great one for a masculine card.

I started by taking the Evergreen Builder Dies and lining them upside down on my table.  Once I was happy with their placement, I used some washi tape to hold them in place.  Then I flipped them over and placed them on my Aged Wagon card panel and ran it through my Platinum 6 (using the machines guide for embossing).  This was inspired by a Jennifer McGuire video where she used nested type dies to create a background, (you can find the video on her YouTube channel).

Next, I trimmed down the panel with some rectangle dies from my stash.  Using the some patterned paper (I believe it was from the Winter Cabin 6 x 6 Paper pack, however any outdoor or plaid paper would work well.)  I trimmed down a mat layer and found a few scraps to used as accent pieces.  Then I used some brown ink from my stash to stamp the sentiment from Seasonal Sentiments on some Heat Resistant Vellum.

I set it aside to dry while I put the rest of my card together. I made an A2 side folding card base from Aged Wagon and liquid glue to attached all of my papers.  Once my Vellum piece was dry (I could have heat set it if needed), I used a Circle Foundation die to cut it out.  To attach it to the front of my panel I used liquid glue and then rubbed my finger over all of it to spread it out so that when I attached it to my card, the glue was not as noticeable from the front.

Previous article Aqua Pigment Safari Sunset Background

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