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Shoot for the Stars Slim Line Card

Shoot for the Stars Slim Line Card

Hello, my name is Candi and I have been on the Brutus Monroe Inspiration team for a year, however this is my first blog post for the team.  Today I am making a Slim Line Card using a limited amount of products.  I will include links to the products used thatt are available in the Brutus Monroe Store.

First, I cut a piece of black card stock to 8.5" x 3.5."  Next, I took the Shooting Star Stencil and lined it up on the bottom of my card panel.  I used the Glistening Snow Chroma Glaze and my Stencil Pal to spread the glaze over the stencil.  (Usually I used Pixie Spray to hold my stencil when using glazes but because this stencil is not as delicate as others, I just used some low tack tape to hold it in place.) One tip I have, is that I have found that if I use my Stencil Pal and I only pull the glaze in one direction, I have less bleeding under the stencil. 

Next, I carefully removed my stencil  and cleaned it off.  Then, I rotated my stencil and placed it towards the top of my card panel being careful to not touch my wet glaze.  After spreading more Glistening Snow Chroma Glaze, I again carefully removed the stencil and set my panel aside to dry overnight.  I wanted my stencil to be in two different patterns so when I turned it when placing it on my panel.  This made it look almost like a star spiral pattern.
The next day, I placed my dry panel in my splat box and sprayed it with the Pearl Shimmer Mist.  When I removed the card panel, I accidentally wiped some of the wet drops and they ended up looking like shooting stars.  I took a cloth and wiped a few more to make more "trails" for some stars.  Once the spray dried, I used an antistatic powder tool to the panel and stamped the Shoot for the Stars sentiment (from the stamp set that came in the May Inspiration Box.) with Brutus Monroe Embossing Ink.  I covered the sticky ink with Alabaster Embossing Powder and heat set it.  
My card base is made from a white heavy card stock that measures 8.5" x 7."  I scored it at 3.5" on the short side.  After folding and creasing my card base, I attached my card panel to the front of the to finish my card.
Here is a close up of some of the stars and Shimmer Spray.
Thanks for stopping by.  If you would like to see more projects by me, you can find me on Instagram here and my blog here.
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