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Lily Pad Stencil and Stamp Set - Thank You Card

Lily Pad Stencil and Stamp Set - Thank You Card

Hello Brutus Monroe friends and fans. Happy Friday!!

This is Jenni here to share my absolute favorite card to date created with two of the 'You Are My Sunshine' Summer collection products.

Included in the collection are the Lily Pad Slimline Stencil and the 3x4 Water Lilies Stamp Set. On a piece of the 'Not Your Mamas Cardstock' I ink-blended the right-hand side of the card, blending the color out to just the white cardstock. After the ink had set I used the Lily Pad stencil to add a thin layer of modeling paste tinted with aqua pigments over the ink blending.

While the modeling paste dried, I painted the two lily pads from the stamp set and one from the 'Froggy Fun' stamp set using aqua pigments. I popped those off the card with foam tape and added a few clear 'Acrylic Bubbles.'

Finally, I added one of the 'Conversation Clippings' for the Summer Release and splattered a little white paint over the top. This card is a 5x7 so I cut down, inked and stenciled piece to leave a small border on the white card base.

I love the simplicity, subtle background, and the mixed font sentiment.

Thanks so much for stopping by the Blog today. I hope this inspires you to create something this weekend!

Previous article Riding the Waves with Velveteen Glaze!!

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