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Real Unicorns Have Curves

Real Unicorns Have Curves

Brutus/Monroe has done it again…creating some of the most irresistible clear stamps that are available in our creative world! That’s my opinion and I ain’t going to change it.

Today I have chosen one of the cutest rhinoceros that I have ever seen in my long career as a designer. And she wants to be a unicorn. Isn’t that the sweetest? The stamp is “Unicorn Curves.” I think she did a pretty good with his bandages.

My first step was stamping Unicorn Curves with Brutus/Monroe’s Raven Ink. This ink is perfect for just stamping, leaves a crisp impression. It can also be used with your alcohol markers. I was sold when the instructions mentioned “can be used with alcohol markers”. Anytime I see that phrase, it will soon be in my arsenal.

I completed my coloring with Copics, but I will soon have my stash of Brutus/Monroe’s Brush Stylefile Markers. They do look yummy.

I completed the coloring and then added the sentiment “Real Unicorns Have Curves” and stamped it with the Raven ink. I trimmed to my desired size and layered it with the purple and black cardstock from Brutus/Monroe’s Collection of 8.5 x 5.5 cardstock. My last step was the little glitter bauble from one of the monthly card kit subscriptions. FYI…Brutus/Monroe’s monthly subscriptions are amazing and you receive a lot of goodies for your stash. 

Please come back tomorrow. The Brutus/Monroe’s Inspiration Team is having a color themed blog hop. We hope you don’t miss out on all the inspiration that will be available. This Inspiration Team is very talented and I am honored to be on this team.

Brutus/Monroe’s Supplies
Unicorn Curves – 3 x 4 Clear Stamp
Raven Ink – Detail 2 x 2 Ink Pad
Stylefile Markers – 72 Piece Set
Collections Cardstock – 100# Cardstock

Thanks for stopping by!
Aletha Jane
AJ’s Design Artz



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